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Friday, October 17, 2008

The Sims 2: Open for Business Review

Another one of my Expansion pack reviews, this review is for the 3rd Expansion to The Sims 2, Open for Business!  If you need help with our review system simply search for "Review" or check out our earlier reviews:


Deep Gameplay:
Its sometimes hard to see a lot of depth in sims expansions sometimes, but OFB (Open for Business) is a shining example of depth.  Theres just so many things to do with this pack.  You have a ton of options to control your business.  A massive benefit is the ability to sell catalog items, rather then making everything yourself

Talent Badges:
A great thing OFB bring to the table is the talent badges.  A system like skill points, but it actually unlocks you the ability to make better objects (again a lot like skill points).  Talent badges are very useful, even if your not running a business.  Other packs like Seasons, and Freetime add more talent badges to the collection that comes with OFB

Simple yet Complex:
While it is easy to start up a home business (Home businesses is what i would recommend), it is hard to master them, giving you a grand sense of accomplishment when you reach say a level 9, or 10 Business

Bluewater Village:
OFB adds a new Sub-Neighborhood, which is probably my favorite of all the packs.  It has a well constructed story, and comes with Tons of Pre-Built lots and families.  Its a great place to start out, and learn the ropes of owning a business.


Managing a Community Lot Business:
The real only thing i don't like in OFB is owning and managing a community business.  I really don't understand why they made it so difficult to manage your community lot businesses.  It is MUCH easier to do a home business

The Sims 2 Open for Business Expansion Played to full many times, reaching a level 10 business once, and many level 9 businesses.  Released: Spring 2006

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