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Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Sims 2: University Review

Now i plan on borrowing a review system, from the guys over at Kotaku No Score will be given, just a short review with several "Love/Hate" descriptions.

The Sims 2: University Expansion Pack Review


New Content and Objects:
University (Uni for Short) adds TONS of new objects, my personal favorite is probably the band instruments. All of the object work well, and are well animated. There are plenty of them to keep you occupied in college for a long time

The Dorm system works surprisingly well. Your Sim simply claims a door and it is theirs for the next 4 years (or about 25 Sim Days?). The majority of dorms also feature objects that will for the most part, get your Sim through college with no trouble at all

Its Easy:
Graduating from university with a 4.0 is really easy. It is also worth a BOATLOAD of aspiration points (i tend to near 100,000) , so it is well worth the time, but at the same time it is very easy, and simple to go through

The Cowplant:
Whenever you put the head of a Cow, on a man eating plant, it just has to be great. The cowplant (A Natural Scientist Reward) is one of the best objects in the game. Fluid Animations, nice textures, and a nice creative object.


Its Too Long:
While Yes it is very easy to master getting a 4.0 GPA, it takes forever. Normally in the 3-5 Hour range. It takes a really big time commitment, this simply multiplies when you add more Sims into the mix

Its not all that rewarding:
Sure it unlocks a few careers (The Showbiz one is the most notable), but other then that, its not like you gain a whole lot of Skills, or Money. Overtime it will, but you still only have §20,000 to buy a house with, and that's just not fun

The game tends to grate on you about halfway through sophomore year, it feels like your just doing the same 4 or 5 things each semester (There are 8 Semesters). Write a term paper, go to class, do an assignment, gain a certain skill, Repeat. I just think they could have added more gameplay

The Sims 2 University Expansion; Retail Copy Played through University many times, have explored a majority of the careers, and objects. Date of Release: Spring 2005

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