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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Sims 3 Pre-Order Box

Not sure exactly why i haven't posted this yet, but i scanned the box i got for pre-ordering the Sims 3. It looks like this: (Back is on the right, Front is on the left)

As you can hopefully see it comes with $10 worth of Simpoints for use in The Sims 3 Store, so therefore we now know there will be a Sims 3 Store. I only get the points when i pick up the game however which is a bit of a bummer. My Pre-Order box also came with a poster for the band Bang Camaro, which i get a free music download for when the game launches. The poster was too big to scan, not that it's all that appealing, just more marketing stuff. Finally in the box came some Sims 3 Stickers (shown below). They're actually neat looking stickers, granted i would have prefered Sim art over just Plumbobs, they do the job, and it's only $5. So, check out the images (click to enlarge). And just wait for it to launch this June!

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